Monarch Rules

Gene and Disease are disjoint

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
gene 2 (0)

Variant and Disease are disjoint

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
variant 9 (+1)

Gene and Variant are disjoint

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
variant 5,446 (+3,058)

Disease and Phenotype are disjoint

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
disease 22 (0)

Genes in more than one taxa (pass inferred)

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
genes 4,244 (0)

Genes in more than one taxa (fail inferred)

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
genes 11,392 (+1,636)

Genes with no taxon

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
genes 413,166 (+61,219)

Features with no taxon

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
features 4,654,808 (+63,543)

Direct human gene to phenotype across RO has phenotype (number of genes)

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
genes 13 (0)

Number of edges connected to owl:Nothing

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
nothing 0 (0)

nodes with subClassOf cycles (depth 2)

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
node_count 1 (0)

nodes with subClassOf cycles (depth 1)

Production Query
Dev Query

field count
node_count 2 (0)